地 址:山东省潍坊市临朐县东城街道兴安路南段
电 话:0536-3356828
传 真:0536-3356828
手 机:13791896508
网 址:www.lqjhgyp.com
主 营:专业从事彩纸屑、皮纳塔、皱纹彩卷、阻燃固色彩纸等节庆用品研发生产
四层皮纳塔蛋糕! PI?ATA CAKE!如你所知,我们是混血姐妹。但我们身上有多少种血统你知道吗?五种!墨西哥、印第安、泰国、意大利和中国血统!是的,我们有中国(海南)血统哦!因为我们身上流淌着那么多不同的血液,所以我们能更好地理解不同的文化及不同种族的传统。所以在今天的食谱中,我们要一起来开拓一下墨西哥文化!我们的母亲是墨西哥人,每年我们生日的时候,她都会为我们举办生日聚会。在聚会上,她会通过皮纳塔跟我们分享墨西哥文化。 关于皮纳塔 ABOUT PI?ATAS
所以,今天我们要做的,就是皮纳塔蛋糕。在做这个蛋糕之前,我们先来回答几个关于皮纳塔是什么:So, today we are making a PI?ATA cake…but before we make this cake let’s answer some questions you may have about what a pi?ata actually is:
1. 那,什么是皮纳塔??So, what exactly is a pi?ata??N&J: 皮纳塔是用彩色纸做的装着很多玩具和糖果的容器。他是墨西哥生日传统,盛传墨西哥,美国和欧洲。皮纳塔可以是很多种形状的,但是最普遍的是9角星或者是驴子形状的。
2. 怎么玩皮纳塔呢?How do pi?atas work?N&J: 把皮纳塔吊起来离地面1.8米高。把准备要敲打皮纳塔的人的眼睛蒙蔽起来,然后大概把皮纳塔转5圈,让他们觉得有点晕眩,哈哈!然后,游戏开始了!Tie the pi?ata up so that it is around 1.8m off the ground. Blindfold the person who will hit the pi?ata and spin them around 5 times, so they are a bit dizzy. Then…let the game begin!! 在一分钟之内尽量敲打皮纳塔多次。他们的目标是把皮纳塔敲破为止,直到糖果散满地!糖果洒满地后大家可以跑过来收集糖果哦!The person will try to hit the pi?ata as many times as they can for 1 minute. Their goal is to hit the pi?ata until it breaks and the candy falls out! Once it is full broken then everyone can run to collect the candies!我们来瞧瞧Nadia去年在美国怎么在她生日的时候敲打皮纳塔的!哈哈!她跟其他人不一样,几乎没有打中哦!Let’s see Nadia hit a pi?ata at her birthday party last year in America!haha She barely made a dent!!来来来!我们说了“皮纳塔”的概念然后把它做成蛋糕吧!当你切蛋糕的时候,所有糖果从里面流出来就像皮纳塔一样哦!是不是很好酷?!So, we are taking the concept of a “pi?ata” and making it into a cake!! When you cut this cake all the candies will fall out just like a pi?ata! How cool right??
我们开始做吧!Let's get started!原料 INGREDIENTS蛋糕部分 CAKE3 and 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour (measured correctly)3/4 teaspoon baking powder3/4 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt1 and 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature2 cups granulated sugar3 large eggs, room temperature4 large egg yolks, room temperature3 teaspoons vanilla extract1 and 1/2 cups buttermilk, room temperature (or you can make your own buttermilk by mixing 4tsp of white vinegar with 1 1/2 cups of milk and let stand for 5 minutes)431g筛滤过的面粉(量一定用精确)3g发酵粉6g小苏打5.7g盐345g无盐黄油(室温)400g砂糖3个鸡蛋4个鸡蛋黄12g香草精360ml白脱牛奶(你也可以用20g白醋混合360ml牛奶后静置5分钟做白脱牛奶)
奶油糖霜部分 FUDGE FROSTING1 cup unsalted butter, softened to room temperature4 and 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar3/4 cup natural unsweetened or dutch-process cocoa powder1/2 cup milk1 Tablespoon light corn syrup2 teaspoons vanilla extract1/8 teaspoon salt1 cup sprinkles230g无盐黄油(室温)540g细砂糖65g天然无糖可可粉120ml牛奶8g香草精0.7g盐225g巧克力豆和彩针
STEP 1: 将烤箱预热至177°C.
Preheat oven to 350°F.STEP 2: 因为我们要做的是一个4层的蛋糕,所以必须用到活底蛋糕模。Since this is a 4-layer cake, you will need to use a SPRINGFORM CAKE PAN. 沿着蛋糕模的形状大小剪裁烘焙纸。用对烘焙纸和蛋糕模非常重要!我们要用到的4个20cm的活底蛋糕模。(如果你的烤箱跟我的一样小,那就重复用20cm的蛋糕模好了,每次使用都要换烘焙纸。)